vs Smartsheet – Which Is Better? vs Smartsheet - Which Is Better

In today’s fast-paced business world, teams often rely on project management software to keep themselves organized and on track. Two of the most popular options are and Smartsheet. While both of these platforms have similar functionalities, they differ in some key areas. In this article, we’ll compare and Smartsheet in terms of their key features, user interface, pricing, and value for money.

Introduction to and Smartsheet and Smartsheet are two of the most popular project management software tools used by businesses worldwide. These tools are designed to help teams plan, organize, and execute their projects more efficiently and effectively.

Smartsheet was founded in 2006 by Mark Mader and Brent Frei. The software tool was created to help businesses manage their projects, tasks, and workflows more effectively. Smartsheet is known for its user-friendly interface, which allows users to easily create, share, and collaborate on projects., on the other hand, was founded in 2012 by Roy Mann and Eran Zinman. The software tool was created to help teams manage their projects, tasks, and workflows in a more visual and intuitive way. is known for its colorful and interactive user interface, which allows users to easily track their progress and communicate with team members.

Both Smartsheet and are cloud-based software tools, which means that users can access their data from anywhere and on any device. This feature is particularly useful for remote teams, as it allows team members to work collaboratively from different locations.

Overall, both Smartsheet and are powerful project management software tools that can help businesses of all sizes to streamline their processes and improve their productivity. Whether you’re a small team or a large enterprise, these tools can help you to achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively.

Key Features Comparison

When it comes to project management, choosing the right tool can make all the difference. Two popular options are and Smartsheet. Let’s take a closer look at their key features and capabilities.

Task Management and Collaboration

Effective task management and collaboration are essential for any successful project. Both and Smartsheet offer robust features in this area.

With, users can create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress in real-time. The platform also allows for collaboration and communication within tasks, helping teams stay on top of their work. Additionally, offers a mobile app, making it easy to stay connected on the go.

Smartsheet also offers task management features, allowing users to create task lists and assign tasks to team members. Smartsheet also has built-in collaboration features, allowing team members to comment on and update tasks as needed. Furthermore, Smartsheet offers a variety of templates to help teams get started quickly.

Project Planning and Scheduling

Another important aspect of project management is planning and scheduling. Both and Smartsheet offer capabilities in this area.

With, users can create timelines, Gantt charts, and project dashboards to help visualize project progress. also offers a variety of project templates to help speed up the planning process. Additionally, offers integrations with popular tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom, making it easy to collaborate with team members.

Smartsheet offers project planning and scheduling tools through its spreadsheet-based interface. Users can create project timelines and Gantt charts, and even import data from external sources like Google Sheets or Microsoft Project. Smartsheet also offers automated workflows, helping teams save time and stay on track.

Time Tracking and Resource Management

Time tracking and resource management are critical components of project management. Both and Smartsheet offer features in this area.

With, users can track time spent on tasks and monitor team workload. The platform also offers resource management features, allowing users to assign team members to tasks based on their availability and expertise. Additionally, offers integrations with popular time tracking tools like Toggl and Harvest.

Smartsheet also offers time tracking and resource management features. Users can track time spent on tasks and allocate resources based on team availability. Smartsheet also offers resource management reports, helping teams make informed decisions about how to allocate resources.

Reporting and Analytics

Generating reports and analyzing data is crucial for project management. Both and Smartsheet offer robust reporting and analytics capabilities.

With, users can generate custom reports and dashboards to track project progress and identify areas for improvement. The platform also offers real-time analytics to help teams stay on top of their work. Additionally, offers integrations with popular reporting tools like Tableau and Power BI.

Smartsheet also offers reporting and analytics features, allowing users to create charts and graphs to visualize project data. Smartsheet also offers automated reporting, helping teams save time and stay informed.

Integrations and API

Integrations with other software tools can help streamline workflows and improve productivity. Both and Smartsheet offer a wide range of integrations and APIs. integrates with popular platforms like Slack, Trello, and Asana. The platform also offers an API, allowing users to build custom integrations. Additionally, offers integrations with popular file sharing tools like Dropbox and Google Drive.

Smartsheet integrates with popular platforms like Salesforce, Jira, and Google Drive. The platform also offers an API for custom integrations. Additionally, Smartsheet offers integrations with popular communication tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack.

In conclusion, both and Smartsheet offer a variety of features and capabilities to help teams manage projects effectively. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and preferences of your team.

User Interface and Ease of Use’s Intuitive Design’s platform has an intuitive design that makes it easy for users to navigate and use. The platform offers a user-friendly interface and customizable boards that allow users to organize their work in a way that works for them. Additionally, offers a variety of templates to help users get started quickly.

One of the standout features of’s interface is its simplicity. The platform is designed to be easy to use, even for users who are not tech-savvy. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to move tasks and items around, and the color-coded boards make it easy to see what needs to be done at a glance.

Another advantage of’s design is its flexibility. Users can customize their boards in a variety of ways, including adding custom columns and changing the layout. This allows users to create a workflow that fits their specific needs and preferences.

Smartsheet’s Spreadsheet-Based Interface

Smartsheet’s interface is based on spreadsheets, which some users may find more familiar and easier to use. The platform offers a wide range of formatting options, allowing users to customize their spreadsheets to their liking. However, some users may find the spreadsheet-based interface less intuitive than’s board-based interface.

One advantage of Smartsheet’s interface is its familiarity. Many users are already familiar with spreadsheets and may find it easier to navigate and use than a board-based interface. Additionally, the spreadsheet format makes it easy to view and manipulate data, which can be useful for users who need to work with large amounts of information.

However, some users may find the spreadsheet-based interface to be limiting. For example, it may be more difficult to visualize workflows and dependencies using a spreadsheet than a board-based interface. Additionally, the customization options in Smartsheet may be more complex than in, which could be a disadvantage for users who are not as tech-savvy.

Customizability and User Experience

Both and Smartsheet offer a high degree of customizability. With, users can customize their boards, task lists, and timelines to fit their needs. Smartsheet allows users to customize their spreadsheets and reports to fit their requirements. However, some users may find the customization process in Smartsheet to be more complex than in

One advantage of’s customizability is its ease of use. The platform offers a variety of pre-built templates and customization options that make it easy for users to create a workflow that fits their needs. Additionally, the drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to rearrange items and tasks as needed.

Smartsheet’s customizability is more complex, but also more powerful. Users can create highly customized spreadsheets and reports that fit their specific requirements. This can be useful for users who need to work with complex data or create detailed reports. However, the customization process may be more time-consuming and difficult for users who are not as tech-savvy.

In terms of user experience, both platforms offer a high level of functionality and ease of use. However, users may prefer one platform over the other depending on their specific needs and preferences.

Pricing and Plans

When it comes to project management software, pricing is always a key consideration. After all, you want to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the pricing and plans offered by two popular project management tools: and Smartsheet. Pricing Tiers offers a variety of pricing tiers to suit different needs and budgets. Their Basic plan starts at $30/month and includes features like unlimited boards, 24/7 support, and 5 GB of storage. For teams that require more advanced features and customization options, offers the Standard and Pro plans. The Standard plan starts at $36/month and includes features like time tracking, calendar view, and integrations with popular apps like Slack and Google Drive. The Pro plan starts at $60/month and includes all the features of the Standard plan, plus advanced automations, custom tags, and a private workspace.

For larger organizations, offers an Enterprise plan with custom pricing. This plan includes all the features of the Pro plan, plus dedicated account management, onboarding support, and advanced security features.

Smartsheet Pricing Tiers

Smartsheet also offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. Their Pro plan starts at $7/month and includes features like unlimited sheets, Unlimited dashboards, reports, and forms, and 20 GB attachment storage. For teams that require more advanced features and collaboration options, Smartsheet offers the Team and Business plans. The Team plan starts at $25/month and includes features like automated workflows, resource management, and integrations with popular apps like Microsoft Teams and Salesforce.

For larger organizations, Smartsheet offers an Enterprise plan with custom pricing. This plan includes all the features of the Business plan, plus dedicated account management, custom branding, and advanced security features.

Comparing Costs and Value for Money

When it comes to pricing, and Smartsheet are fairly comparable at the lower tiers. However, as users move to the more advanced plans, the pricing becomes more divergent. For example, the Pro plan from is significantly more expensive than the Business plan from Smartsheet.

Of course, pricing isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing a project management tool. Users should also consider which features are most important to their teams and which platform is the best fit for their needs. For example, if your team relies heavily on integrations with other apps, might be the better choice. On the other hand, if your team requires advanced reporting and resource management features, Smartsheet might be the better choice.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which project management tool is right for your team is to try them out for yourself. Both and Smartsheet offer free trials, so you can test out the features and functionality before making a decision.


Both and Smartsheet offer powerful project management software tools that can help teams to stay organized, track progress, and collaborate more effectively. Ultimately, the best choice for a particular team will depend on their specific needs and requirements. By considering the key features, user interface, pricing, and value for money offered by these two platforms, teams can make an informed decision about which option is the best fit for them.

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